Best 0f 2014 - Fruit Hampers John Hunter

Today we are sharing our best posts from the John Hunter Hospital Blog.  We have been delivering the best fruit baskets to John Hunter Hospital since 1988 - with delivery twice daily to ensure everyone gets exactly the freshest fruit and best impression they deserve. 

Making the right choice is all important - and getting the right fruit hamper is as simple as calling 1300 284 684.  At Fruit baskets Newcastle, we'd love to meet you and share your personal thoughts in a handwritten message with your fruit basket. 

One of the most important things with the get well soon message is sharing exactly what you feel and giving the recipient that special feeling as they recover in hospital. 

Be brave and make your decision with confidence - nothing beats the immediacy and freshness of fruit when you are in hospital. And a generous, sharing fruit basket is just the perfect delivered gift idea.

1 - Fruit Basket Specials Delivered to JHH

Here, we offer a behind the scenes insight into what makes a bestselling fruit basket and just exactly what it is that's lends some fruit baskets a winning style over the rest of the competition.

There's more then enough reasons to choose a particular fruit hamper from the other fruit baskets - but after working in the gift delivery industry for over a decade, it's nice to know some professionals have got it covered.

You've decided to send a fruit basket and you type into the search bar fruit baskets delivery - and you have a good look at what's on offer.  What exactly are you looking for?  Big generous baskets?  Great value for your dollar?  Plenty of fresh seasonal fruit?  Brilliant presentation and sparkling styling?

Gift basket #Secrets -  Handmade Gives Meaning
When you choose your fruit basket, be mindful that handmade and hand assembled fruit hampers have that personal touch that simply isn't present when you go with a factory-style fruit basket business.

Simply knowing your fruit hamper has been put together by hand with your specific order top of mind means you are most likely to get exactly what you had envisioned - not just a pack and send copy that lacks meaning and personality.

There is something about the quality and service of a handmade fruit basket that fits so well with the whole gift giving idea - it's what inspires and motivates us as fruit basket artisans

2 - Lake Macquarie Private Hampers

In a Fruit Gift basket, chocolate elevates a get well soon thought into a sensitive gesture that covers the boundary of intimacy and genuine feel good feeling.  Sharing chocolate is an age-old practice that cements relationships and strengthens the bonds that tie families, friends and our futures together. 

Making the most of your next chocolate fruit basket sharing occasion is simple using a reputable member of the Australian Fruit Baskets Association – and especially when you choose a recognised award winner with expert knowledge.

Chocolate is made from the seeds of the cacao beans – they are fermented, dried, roasted and hulled – and then the seed meat is ground down and  and melted to make a paste – a chocolate liquor.  When this hardens it is basically unsweetened cooking chocolate. 

This is half cocoa butter and half cocoa solids.  And here is the surprising kicker that sets chocolate apart and gives us all that delicious velvety smoothness – cocoa butter is solid at room temperature but melts in the mouth.

3 - John Hunter Hospital JHH Top Eight

Plenty of John Hunter Hospital related links and guides to share and keep you in the best JHH Hospital information available online.

A thoughtful and insightful article that has proved popular with readers - people love lists and this blog post is no different.

4 - Get Well Free Delivery

It's always a big call - offering FREE delivery and giving back to your loyal customers who support your vision and make your whole business delivering fresh fruit gifts and edible blooms a possibility.

Hospital Get Well Gifts

So we we naturally a little reluctant to go forward and take the big step and offer free shipping and free delivery on fruit baskets and hampers delivered to John Hunter Hospital.

Stats from a recent online e-commerce shopping survey published in a gift baskets industry study show that 58% of customers have added extra newborn baby, celebration, gourmet or sympathy items to their shopping basket in order to qualify for free delivery.

That's pretty impressive - but even more so when you consider the actual real cost of delivery across Sydney to Sydney shipping is around $5 per item (not including the cardboard box or packaging).  And this is when most florists and edible blooms online sellers are targeting around $15 - $19 for a fixed price delivery charge.

Best of 2014 John Hunter Hospital - the review article on #fruitbaskets for sick friends and familyn hospital.  Thanks for being such loyal readers of this blog over the year and keeping in touch - you really do make a difference when we are here typing in the middle of winter thinking about Fruit  and Hampers.  Thanks.

All New Varieties of Fruit

Imperfect fruit tastes just the same as it's perfectly shaped brothers and sisters, yet comes in at nearly a third the price.  It's something that has been said in the past, with the fruit being sent to waste or for animal feed.  Not any more.  Now local fruiterers are flogging misshapen fruit and vegetables in awkward shapes to offer customers more diverse opportunities.

"There's nothing wrong with ugly fruit," says Glenda, a hamper maker,"It tastes the same.  It's like the ugly girl at the dance - her kiss tastes just as good..."

With 270,000 tonnes of popular fruit and vegetable lines thrown out each year, Imperfect Picks will reduce waste, store manager Azum Kalshinob said.  In an article in the local Paper, people are going batty about the cheap but nasty looking fruit.

“The concept comes from a French model,” Mr Kalumbarb said. “The idea is to reduce waste and help our farmers. Thirty per cent of produce is thrown out because it has to be perfect. ”

The small range of marked, discolored and odd-shaped fruit and vegetables appeared two weeks ago and is available at all Harris Farm stores. Each store carries different lines.

“We are selling eight different lines which come from the markets,” Mr Alumthrowi said. “It is good quality produce, it just doesn’t look as good.”

The range is a win-win for customers, Mr Alacadabra said. “Imperfect Picks can be up to half the price of our top lines,” he said.

“Pink Lady apples are selling for $7.99 a kilo, the Imperfect Picks’ Pink Lady apples are $2.99 a kilo.”

Customers have welcomed the new line.

When you order a Fruit Hamper for John Hunter Hospital, you will not be treated to this ugly fruit.  We insist on premium, bouquet style fruit that presents perfectly in the gift basket.

Send a Basket to John Hunter

fruit basket john hunter hospital
Fruit Baskets to John Hunter Hospital

This weeks round up of the very best of the net in relation to picnic basket and fruit bouquet suggestions showcases a short article on fruit reducing your well being risks, the power of chilling educing fresh fruit wasting and some handy tips on conserving and keeping your fresh fruit over summer.
fruit basket john hunter hospital
fruit baskets john hunter hospital
One of the best and most potent ideas for edible bouquets is sharing hampers for men when they are sick or ill or in the course of a healthcare facility stay. We make a lot of gift baskets for shipment to hospital for every celebration and especially when customers are searching for a flower alternative.

Eating Fresh fruit reduces cardiovascular risks

Cardiovascular disease is the primary cause of death and disability in Australia in 2014. Every year, around 65,000 people experience congestive heart failure and 13,000 endure a stroke. But a brand new study finds that the danger of contracting cardiovascular disease could be reduced by up to 40 %, just by eating fresh fruit every day.

I know this may not be news to many of anyone, but it simply highlights the energy of the fruit basket and fresh birthday gifts when you want to send healthy gifts. It's not a big deal to send baby gift baskets made of fresh fruit to celebrate the arrival of a baby - or in the very same breath to share your condolences and understanding when a friend dies.

fruit bouquets john hunter hospitalGet Well Fruit To JHH Newcastle

The fresh fruit basket study team, led by Dr. Guaidonk Duko from the University of Oxbridge in the UK, recently presented their findings at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2014. The findings were resounding in favor of edible bouquets and get well soon gifts being made from fresh fruits which eating and exchanging healthy gifts makes a difference in manifesting good lifestyles.

The results of their send a basket of fruit research study came from an analysis of 351,992 people from 5 non-urban and five urban areas of Asia who belonged of the China Chinoodir Biobank - a study set up to examine genetic and environmental reasons for chronic illness. It showed that fruit has an impressive effect of restoring gift choices less difficult.

Dr. Duker notes that several research studies have indicated that enhancements in diet and lifestyle, like sharing a free shipping fruit hamper are crucial to minimizing the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). But she points out that most of these studies have come from Western countries, with very few from China. In China giving gift baskets and chocolate covered strawberries as thank you gifts is widespread.

New Baby Fruit Baskets to Newcastle Private

"China has a different pattern of CVD," details Dr. Dupre, "with stroke as the main cause compared to Western nations where ischemic heart illness is more prevalent. Previous studies have combined ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, possibly due to the minimal number of stroke instances in their data sets.".

She adds that provided the difference in threat factors and physiology between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, the group was particularly interested in how fruit intake influenced the risk of these stroke subtypes.

The more fruit taken each day, the lower the risk of CVD - specifically when integrated with the flourishing and generous giving nature of fruit basket delivery Sydney. Truffles and chocolate bouquets may not encourage in you the most healthy attitude - but when stabilized with edible arrangements and thank you gifts, they do the job.

At the start of the research study, the scientists asked the people how much fresh fruit they consumed. Fruit eating was broken down into five categories: never, monthly, 1-3 days a week, 4-6 days a week and daily.

Baby Hampers Newcastle Delivery

The research displayed that consuming more fruit triggered low amounts of disorder and more popularized feelings of wellness and well being. Get well gifts and fruit basket delivery is not just out the gift box - it's also relating to the pamper hamper, the get well soon gifts and the hampers for men.

Wherever our team advise delivering fresh fruit same day for delivery, fruit basket delivery Sydney is still not really possible without refrigeration and cool room storing. When trying to find thank you gifts and chocolate fruit baskets keep in mind the process used for free shipping and same day shipping.

A huge British superstore establishment is spending � 19 million (US$ 31 million) to speed up its fresh produce supply with a multi-store operation to enhance chilling systems, while also forming its production and logistics sites. This helps supply Christmas hampers and gifts for delivery across the UK.

A spokesperson told the investment formed part of the retailers three-point plan; speeding up, prioritizing and chilling out fresh fruit for fantastic edible arrangements.

Get Well Soon Gifts Newcastle

The main aim is to lengthen the life span of fresh fruit for gift baskets and vegetables by keeping them cool for much longer, and reducing waste in the process. The spokesperson asserted that for every hour an item was un-chilled, it shed eight hours of life in the home - this is really essential when you consider birthday gifts for delivery.

The next fruit I freeze on a regular basis is bananas. I purchase them weekly for the relatives. Sometimes they eat them very quickly and in some cases never. When the bananas start to acquire the dark spots, I don't like them. This is specifically crucial when you re sending a basket for delivery. So, equally as they are, peeling and all, in the refrigerator they go. Remember they will turn black in the fridge freezer but it's only the peeling that alters color. The inside is still ideal. The bananas thaw out quickly. But remember when they thaw, they aren't solid but are great for banana bread and smoothies.

Strawberries are easy to prep and freeze. I just wash, pluck the, stem, slice and drop right into the freezer bag. It's a quick and simple method. Now I have strawberries ready anytime for smoothies or strawberry pretzel salad when requested. Strawberries are a perfect gift box addition to make your pamper hamper look just right.

Apples are a varied story for me. I have a tendency not to freeze them uncooked. I don't like exactly how quickly they turn brown. I know lemon juice will keep them from turning brown, but, in my point of view, they still turn color. I like to prepare them first, then freeze them in my freezer bags. Take some of the numerous fruits in your picnic basket and freeze them.

Fruit Baskets Delivery to Hospital

It gets a little longer in order to prepare and stew them, but it is worth it to have the far better apple flavor and to maintain a good color. This pre-cooking procedure will preserve time later when you fix an apple pie or cobbler. The pieces of fruit only have to melt out and added to the recipe.

Another easy fruit is actually grapes. Simply wash and pop them in the freezer. Now you have a terrific snack and organic sweetener for smoothies and also a great way to keep your white wine chilled without diluting it. Every single fruit hamper has grapes and they are so simple to eat as a snack.

What procedure do you use to freeze fresh fruit that you have received in a fruit gift basket? My preferred is peaches. I love to open the freezer and observe a bag of peaches all set to use. These guys taste so much more desirable fresh compared to from a can. It is the little details that make us gratified.

Sending baby hampers and baby gift baskets is all about fresh fruit and the ranges of fruit you get inside the basket. Baby shower gift ideas are exactly perfect occasions for distributing a fruit hamper. Keeping in mind how powerfully healthy and fresh fruit is - you find yourself in the right location for sending a great fruit basket for delivery.

Same Day Free Delivery

get well gifts - fruit baskets
Free Shipping Fruit Baskets to John Hunter Hospital Call 1300 284 684
Welcome to our newest news release, where our team are sharing three essential uses for your fresh fruit basket, and ways to get the best from your fresh fruit hamper. Newcastle's largest Hospital is the John Hunter Hospital, next door to Newcastle Private Hospital.  Sending a basket is an excellent means to share a pamper hamper, edible arrangements and get well gifts.

To start with, we are going in depth with the various varieties of fruit, such as apples, blueberries and watermelons. Each fruit features in fruit baskets Sydney and makes a real imprint for thank you gift ideas.

After that we evaluate how fruits can affect your weight reduction experience and in particular grapefruit, watermelon, and apple vinegar can assist people to find the ideal body weight. It is an exceptional reason why individuals select a fruits basket to send for delivery-- hampers and baby gift baskets with fruit are plainly remarkable.

Lastly, our company share a top secret lemon drink recipe that is an excellent as a thank you gift. Lemon juice has real health giving properties-- send a basket and a fruit hamper to provide the benefit with you friends, family members and business partners. Generally we possess all this info to discuss for award winning fruit baskets and taking advantage of life occasions and celebrations.

Get Well Gifts and all out Free Same Day Delivery

Next time you get a picnic basket event or occasion, it is an ideal time to try your own rendition of a fruit bouquet. Or you might prefer a pamper hamper or a fruit hamper-- regardless of what-- it is all about matching your objective with some productiveness.

Get started following time you have a life event that calls for a thank you gift or hampers for men. By accepting it on your own self, you can produce your very own idea to bring really great birthday gifts for your friends and family. Go on and search for hampers and gifts that you would like to choose baby gift baskets and edible arrangements. Once you establish your intentions and favorable intentions you can possess get well gifts and send a basket that actually makes an impact. Go ahead and deliver your fruit baskets ideas to life-- enthusiasm and intensity brings fantastic things to living!

Fruit Bouquet Birthday Gifts to JHH

Apples are among the healthiest fruits-- certainly there is a real truth behind the concept that you can eat an apple a day and avoid the health care provider's surgery. With brilliant color and lengthy shelf life, you can indulges in apples all year and indulge in their crispness and sweetness. As birthday gifts and fruit boxes, receiving a fresh apple can most certainly make all the difference.

Apples are certainly not only an energizing fruit, they are actually plentiful in serotonin which in turn strengthens mental state and acts as a stabilizer for your feelings. Plus, like many edible arrangements and get well soon gifts, apples stuff your fruit gift with fiber, which helps most people expel in the morning hours.

Next, apples function efficiently in the; fight against of free radicals, assists the liver work to expel waste, fine-tune the kidney and gall bladder, rinse the circulatory system, and reduces cholesterol levels. There are definitely good reasons for baby gift baskets with apples.

Apples are an abundant supplier of beta carotene and freshness, are really a power plant for fresh nutrients.

Send a Get Well Soon Gift to John Hunter Hospital

As blueberries are becoming a lot more readily available all year-- our team can rely on them when it comes to an additional source of fresh nutrients. As an attribute of the Hunter Valley Hampers Fruit Basket, you can count on strawberries being provided in your thank you gifts and chocolate gift baskets. In this manner people acquire the advantages of brand-new seasonal fruit the sweet treats of hampers ideas and maybe a picnic basket.

Strawberries are rich in anti-oxidants and consist of 84 % water in a 100g, 0.74 g protein, 14.49 g carbohydrates, 0.33 g fat, and 2.4 g nutritional fiber. Most people can see clearly the features of edible bouquets especially the moment you intend to deliver a basket as get well gifts. Your recipient can actually take a seat nd share the fresh fruit gifts liv in her bed in the healthcare facility ward.

The minute you break down the loveliness of edible bouquets into the separate factors you can observe that there is so much value in the best fruit baskets. Buying fruit basket delivery and even chocolate covered strawberries changes every single thing and can easily give you a well-balanced impulse going forward.

Fresh Fruit Hospital Gifts

Got fruit ripening on the tree? Call the Gleaning Project!

Revelstoke Bear Aware is once again running the Gleaning Project in 2014. For those not in the know, the Gleaning Project is where volunteers help harvest excess fruit and take it to Community Connections Food Bank.
“Leaving fruit on the tree or on the ground to rot is just asking for bears to come and snack at your place,” Sue Davies, coordinator for Revelstoke Bear Aware, said in a statement released on Friday, July 4.
“And as the saying goes, a fed bear is a dead bear, and a far more dangerous bear too. If you can pick you own fruit, then do so; if you have too much, take it to the food bank. If you can’t harvest your own fruit, that’s when to call the Gleaning Project to come help. Volunteers will harvest the fruit, the volunteer pickers get to keep some, and the rest goes to the food bank. It’s a win-win-win situation.”

Read the full article here.

your nutrition questions – what about fruit?

The trouble is, there are as many opinions as there are experts, and this is a big topic. Far too big for just one post, so I thought I’d start with a question I get fairly frequently – what about fruit?
Let’s break it down.
Fruit contains carbohydrate, mainly in the form of the naturally occurring sugar, fructose. Vegetables also contain carbohydrate, but typically much less than fruits, and they therefore contain fewer calories.
The idea that fruit is loaded with sugar needs to be put into perspective. Yes, there is sugar in fruit, but it’s not like it’s a sack of empty calories.

Find more on this topic here.

Summer fruit recipes with a twist

Friends who are shopping for dinner parties are in a pickle. They’ve thought carefully about the main course (the most expensive part), and they like doing starters, so that is under control. But pudding? As they approach the finishing line, they’ve run out of steam. “What shall I get? I’m in the greengrocer’s now!” they pant.
There’s no point in suggesting carefully wrought pâtisserie that they should have made the pastry for the night before. Nor in suggesting they serve raspberries and cream, because (they believe) that doesn’t show enough effort. So I am forced to indulge in one of my favourite pastimes: thinking hard about food.

More on this fabulous article here.

When you need to send a Get Well Gift to Hospital, look no further than the Fruit Basket Company.

Get Well Free Delivery

It's always a big call - offering FREE delivery and giving back to your loyal customers who support your vision and make your whole business delivering fresh fruit gifts and edible blooms a possibility.

Hospital Get Well Gifts

So we we naturally a little reluctant to go forward and take the big step and offer free shipping and free delivery on fruit baskets and hampers delivered to John Hunter Hospital.

Here's the blog post all about it

Stats from a recent online e-commerce shopping survey published in a gift baskets industry study show that 58% of customers have added extra newborn baby, celebration, gourmet or sympathy items to their shopping basket in order to qualify for free delivery. 

That's pretty impressive - but even more so when you consider the actual real cost of delivery across Sydney to Sydney shipping is around $5 per item (not including the cardboard box or packaging).  And this is when most florists and edible blooms online sellers are targeting around $15 - $19 for a fixed price delivery charge.

I appreciate we are not talking Sydney to Sydney delivery here, but we are talking same day delivery to the John Hunter Hospital and Newcastle Private Hospital.  It just makes sense.  Order online or call us direct on 1300 284 684.

In other news, have you seen how well regarded and highly valued individual fruit gifts are in other countries?

Men's Get Well Soon Gifts

fresh fruit baskets website image
Edible Fruit Arrangement to Hospital
It is little known that men usually encounter a greater rate of illness than women - but it is not all bad news, says Kacy Fletcher of The Fruit Basket Company in Sydney, New South Wales.

Through a balanced diet of vegetables and fruits, and with frequent exercise health risk elements can be reduced. And sharing a fruit hamper filled with seasonal fruit is an effective way to encourage the man in your life to enjoy even more fresh fruits.

"It's difficult to argue against fast food and the benefit of unhealthy food," said Fletcher, who provides fresh fruit delivery to workplaces, hospitals and suburbs in the Sydney. "But they can be "encouraged" towards healthy dining and walking away from the drive thru. Fresh, mouth watering fruit accessible most times fo the day is an essential step.".

"Eating a lot more fruit has such a significant effect on decreasing the risk of lifestyle conditions. Sending out a Fruit Hamper is a reliable way to help men experiment in a fun, lighthearted way with a healthy diet.".

"There is a silent health crisis in Australia," said Dr. David Gremillion in a recent article on the Men's Health Network. Gremillion warned about the parlous state of men's health. "It's a sad fact that, on average, Australian men live sicker and die younger than Australian women.".

Fruit Baskets Delivered is a Sydney, NSW-based company that delivers premium quality, local fruit to the workplace. Since 2007, Market Fresh Fruit Baskets and Hampers is Sydney's only taste-tested gourmet fruit delivery service and is recommended by clients for beautiful presentation, hand written personal messages and designer handpicked fruit arrangements.

For more information on Fresh Fruit and for a glimpse at what gooes into a Sydney Fruit Hamper contact 1300 284 684 for more information.

John Hunter Hospital JHH Top Eight

Here's a list of the Top Eight places you should get to know about the John Hunter Hospital (JHH).
HMRI - Medical Research Institute

 The HMRI does Research next to JHH

HMRI is a translational medical research institute based in the Hunter Region of New South Wales, Australia.  Established in 1998, HMRI researchers deliver research outcomes and technology closely aligned to community health needs.  HMRI facilitates collaborations between researchers translating scientific advances into better clinical care, competitive commercial products and improved health care guidelines.

Kids With Cancer JHH

Kids Cancer Foundation Fundraising Efforts

As a children's cancer foundation we don’t door-knock, we do not employ any telemarketers and we do not have commercial agreements setting supporters up for ongoing donations.  We are not & have never used ‘Appco’ or any of Appco’s associated companies as commercial traders on our behalf, and we never will. 

Surgical Training at JHH

Advanced Surgical Training at JHH Newcastle

You will obtain significant experience with trauma and complex surgical cases at John Hunter Hospital, the largest trauma hospital in NSW and the tertiary referral centre for the Hunter Valley and northern NSW.  Most subspecialties in Surgery are available within the Hunter New England Local Health District including: Cardiothoracic, Colorectal, ENT, HPB and Upper GI, Maxillofacial, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Paediatric, Urology and Vascular. Advanced training is also available in most of these subspecialties.

John Hunter Hospital School

Student Learning at JHH School
John Hunter Hospital School has been updating their website and we are excited it has now gone live. Information is available for teachers, families and communities on a growing number of topics. There is also an area for students to publish their work online and links to useful sites for both teachers and students. Be sure to keep checking back!

Newcastle Private Hospital

Trusted and Experienced - Newcastle Private Hospital
Newcastle Private Hospital is a provider of extensive private hospital services to the region and with 171 beds is the largest private hospital in Newcastle, conveniently located on the campus of the John Hunter Hospital, New Lambton Heights.

John Hunter Hospital Fruit Baskets

Fruit Baskets John Hunter Hospital
Get Well Soon Gift Baskets and Fruit Hampers to JHH
After a while, we realized that the best fruit baskets were delivered right to the ward by courier and actually arrived wrapped in cellophane for the patient to open herself!  What a fantastic way to share how we felt and send our best get well soon wishes!

Kaliedoscope Childrens JHH

Help with Children's Services at John Hunter Hospital

Established in October 2002 Kaleidoscope acts as an umbrella organization that integrates a range of health care services designed to meet the ever-changing health needs of babies, children, young people and their families.

John Hunter Children's Hospital Cancer + Haematology

Help finding referrals assistance in NSW
Canrefer is a directory set up by the Cancer Institute NSW to help general practitioners, other health professionals, patients and their family members find cancer services by cancer type and location in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.

My Hospitals - JHH Newcastle

My Hospitals - handy comparison website
MyHospitals contains service and performance information for over 1,000 public and private hospitals. You can search by location or by hospital name to see hospital profiles and comparable performance results for measures such as surgery waiting times and access to emergency departments.
Plenty of John Hunter Hospital related links and guides to share and keep you in the best JHH Hospital information available online.

Fruit Basket Specials Delivered to JHH

good karma fruit baskets
   First, Thank You for dropping by - as Newcastle's Favourite Fruit Basket Supplier, you can have complete confidence your delivery to #John Hunter Hospital will arrive in the freshest condition and be delivered by a smiling, cheerful delivery person.

Fresh Fruit Baskets John Hunter Hospital
Fresh Seasonal Fruit wrapped to you under cellophane

Please order now, call 1300 284 684

Here, we offer a behind the scenes insight into what makes a bestselling fruit basket and just exactly what it is that's lends some fruit baskets a winning style over the rest of the competition.

There's more then enough reasons to choose a particular fruit hamper from the other fruit baskets - but after working in the gift delivery industry for over a decade, it's nice to know some professionals have got it covered. 

You've decided to send a fruit basket and you type into the search bar fruit baskets delivery - and you have a good look at what's on offer.  What exactly are you looking for?  Big generous baskets?  Great value for your dollar?  Plenty of fresh seasonal fruit?  Brilliant presentation and sparkling styling? 

1.  Handmade Gives Meaning

When you choose your fruit basket, be mindful that handmade and hand assembled fruit hampers have that personal touch that simply isn't present when you go with a factory-style fruit basket business.

Simply knowing your fruit hamper has been put together by hand with your specific order top of mind means you are most likely to get exactly what you had envisioned - not just a pack and send copy that lacks meaning and personality.

There is something about the quality and service of a handmade fruit basket that fits so well with the whole gift giving idea - it's what inspires and motivates us as fruit basket artisans.

2.  Fruit Baskets are For Giving

 Make your friend's time in #hospital less stressful and share a fresh fruit basket. 

You know you want the best for them... 

Call Newcastle Fruit Basket's Kacy and she'll get the right basket for you today.

chcoclate fruit basket
A chocolate fruit basket

Fresh Seasonal Fruit

finding the a wheatgrass shot before work in the morning - impossible?
Organic Wheatgrass
  Seasonal Fruit Choices

Speaking with Kacy from, we discovered that all fruit is not created equal and that there is still good reason to buy your fruit according to what is in season.  Put simply, in season #freshfruit is most affordable, let alone being more flavoursome, more nutrient rich and available in abundance. 

Kacy is not a big fan of following a recipe to the letter and using for example mango when it is not in season - using a similar type of fruit and adjusting your recipe to accommodate the shift in taste is far more efficient.  Always remember to taste your recipe as you are preparing it and as you become familiar with the developing flavours you will also see what works and what can be improved upon.

image of fresh capsicums at the markets
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables like this
As an accredited #fruit #basket specialist with experience building hampers across all genres and for all #occasions, it is worth asking Kacy what she sees as the new #trends and where fruit hampers are going as we approach autumn and winter.  Even though Winter is traditionally not the time to associate with fresh fruit - it is ironically the time when our bodies are in acute demand for the minerals and anti-oxidants that are present in fresh fruit.

fresh beans and ripe tomatoes
Tomatoes and Beans are awesome fresh as fresh
And don't forget the humble apple!  In a world where a new #superfood is being revealed each month, there is still a lot to be said for the ancient saying an #apple a day keeps the doctor away!  Please be mindful and aware that apples have a long shelf life and that this can be taken advantage of by unscrupulous fresh fruit vendors.  Some anecdotal evidence suggests that apples are stored for as long as 12 months before they hit the market!

So at this time of year it is important to keep in mind that your healthy eating should not diminish through scarcity - on the contrary - there is more fresh fruit available and ready for you right now than ever before.  Just be mindful that you order fresh fruit hampers with this in mind!  And good luck fighting off the cold this winter!

Lake Macquarie Private Hampers

Chocolate - Perfect in a Fruit Basket

Handsomely presented, a fruit gift basket is sometimes just what you need to lift your spirits
The word chocolate comes from the Mayan word for “warm drink” and hot chocolate was certainly one of the first ways to enjoy the velvet smoothness of chocolate.  The cacao tree (Theobroma cacao) gave us chocolate, but it was only in drink form for the first few hundred years.  In my personal experience, chocolate is simple to overdo or present in excess – so it is in measured small doses that the finest appreciation of chocolate is possible.  Like a few pieces of dark 70% cacao chocolate with a freshly ground coffee.  Now you're talking....

Chocolate is made from the seeds of the cacao beans – they are fermented, dried, roasted and hulled – and then the seed meat is ground down and  and melted to make a paste – a chocolate liquor.  When this hardens it is basically unsweetened cooking chocolate.  This is half cocoa butter and half cocoa solids.  And here is the surprising kicker that sets chocolate apart and gives us all that delicious velvety smoothness – cocoa butter is solid at room temperature but melts in the mouth.

chccolate in a box gift hamper australia
Chocolate adds a delightful creamy silkiness to your fruit hamper

Once unsweetened cooking chocolate has sugar, milk, vanilla added it becomes the version of chocolate that we know.  Long massaging known as 'conching” loosens the bind of the chocolate and lends it that velvety texture we all love so much.  The longer the chocolate is kneaded, the smoother the texture and the better quality the most likely more expensive the chocolate will be.

Compound chocolate has a lower content of chocolate liquor and instead other less quality fats in its place.  What you are looking for is couverture chocolate, which has a high gloss and dresses your fruit items like strawberries with a fine, thin film. 

When cooking with chocolate, here's some handy tips

- chop or grate chocolate before melting it.
- all utensils must be completely DRY – no water at all.
- NEVER melt chocolate alone over direct heat

In a Fruit Gift basket, chocolate elevates a get well soon thought into a sensitive gesture that covers the boundary of intimacy and genuine feel good feeling.  Sharing chocolate is an age-old practice that cements relationships and strengthens the bonds that tie families, friends and our futures together.  Making the most of your next chocolate fruit basket sharing occasion is simple using a reputable member of the Australian Fruit Baskets Association – and especially when you choose a recognised award winner with expert knowledge.

Fruit Baskets Cold Press Fruit Juice


Juicing fresh fruit is the perfect way to combine mega nutrients into a life boosting elixir for your health.  And what better way to get the fresh immediacy of fruit than with a basket filled with this season's finest?  For too long people have associated juice with breakfast - and this is just not true any longer!  For an original and fresh fruit basket delivered to the hospital, people in Newcastle go with Hunter Valley Hampers.
John Hunter Hospital Fruit Baskets
2014 Fruit Basket for John Hunter Hospital

Try incorporating green and leafy organics into your drink - think cold-pressed and almost salad style vegies to give extra fibre.
The rich, dark vibrant colours of fresh extracts are a boon for your health and in juice form are so simple to digest!

A friend of mine swears by the health giving properties of green juices - and she is also a big fan of delivered fruit baskets.
"Finding what works for you is all about matching your taste to your ingredients," as she chops, dices and slices rainbow vegetables and fruit into her cold press juicer.
"Juicing is right on trend in 2014 and widely recommended by all the experts."

Try a thick syrupy juice concoction to avoid the hassles of drips and runs of fresh fruit - you can also mix and match your flavours.  When you are on the go, juice is an amazing cover all for the main five fruit and veg staples that we sometimes just don't have time for.

Or, think of your morning juice as a quick way to tick the daily fruit and veg box in one fell swoop - no need for chasing fruit and veg for the whole day.
But, in keeping the whole matter balanced - we should remember that fruit juice alone is worryingly high in fructose sugar and this can be a trigger for early onset type two diabetes.

Sharing a Get Well Soon Fruit Basket avoids all the dangers of juiced fruit in the short term - as the hospital delivery means your friend will be eating - not drinking - the fruit.  Here it is best to try to eat fruit instead of juicing it.  But if you do juice - consider adding vegetable elements like celery, broccoli, ginger, kale and beetroot.

To get started juicing fruit and veg, try a smattering of green leaves, chopped vegies and the juice of a quarter lemon for taste.  Once you get confident mixing and matching the basic elements, you'll find it easier to make the perfect juice drink from fruit hamper fruit baskets.